
I went to Brighton Beach for a weekend at the end of summer with a friend. As an Australian I wasn’t expecting a beach town to be so built up but it was still beautiful to explore. 

First I visited the Royal Pavillion. You don’t expect to find such a grand and beautiful place by the beach but it is was worth the stop.

We lay down our towels and sat for a while enjoying the view 

Then we headed to the beach 

I even found a little bit of home in a sculpture.

After spending some time lying on the beach we decided to explore the famous Brighton pier.

Once we got to the end of the pier the view was uninterrupted sea for miles.

There was also the remnants of the old pier

 And a great view of the Brighton shoreline.

We spent the rest of the day wandering around the streets with the colourful houses and flags running between the buildings.

We finished the day with fish and chips by the beach and watched the sunset.

Before catching the train back to London. 

26 thoughts on “Brighton

  1. I really love the layout of your blog, it’s so bright and you take such an amazing pictures that I was immediately excited to read your posts! I’m actually in the UK right now and looking forward to visiting Brighton when it get s a bit more warm, so I will definitely check out all of the places you visited since they look so lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A spectacular blog and fantastic photos! Thank you so much for your support for Cars with a Side of Couscous. As a fledgingly blogger, I need all the encouragement I can get.


  3. It is so wonderful the way you weaved the photos with the narration. We are so glad you found our site so we in turn could find yours. We look forward to following you and seeing Brighton and other places you visit through your eyes and words. Be safe.


  4. Lovely photos.
    My sister had a good friend who lives in Brighton and has been to visit her on a few occasions; she is ALWAYS telling me to go with her. I really must take her up on it next tome as it’s somewhere I have always wanted to visit!


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