Winter in Prague 

Not something I normally write about but I figured I love fashion and it might be useful to know what I wore on my visit to Prague when the weather was as cold as -11 degrees Celsius. 

When I was packing for Prague I was incredibly worried that I would spend my entire trip cold and not being able to see the sights so here is a little bit of an insight into what I wore on my trip. 

The most important thing that goes into my suitcase is my camera but second to that was making sure I had good warm coats. 

In case you don’t follow me on Instagram I wear this coat all the time last seen in a post here. It was relatively cheap from Zara. What I love about this coat is the hood. The coat is so versatile, I can zip off the hood or even just remove the fur to dress it up. Versatility is a must for me when I travel especially with bulky items like coats. This one is sold out. You can find similar versions here, here and here

This particular coat gets so much wear because it has excellent pockets and is big enough to be able to wear multiple layers under it which is perfect in unpredictable weather conditions for layering. 

Sunny one moment
Snowing the next (actually about an hour later, I was just still in the same bar) 


The jumper can be found here and the beanie here 

This was the view from Black Angels bar if you are wondering why I paid it a visit

The other coat I packed was a super cheap one from primark £28 but it’s insanely warm which is why I chose to bring it.

You can find similar versions herehere and here and a completely different one that I really like here 

This was great for days when it was snowing and also for an early morning trip to Charles bridge to watch the sunrise. It was freezing so I also added a scarf that probably could have doubled as a blanket if necessary.

Underneath my coat I wore a very light down coat which was practical for layering and it also had a little bag it went into like a sleeping bag and so I could always carry it in my backpack. 

I also made sure to pack a cashmere jumper for the extra cold days. I also wore it hanging out my window at Miss Sophie’s Hotel because it was a bit to warm to be wearing inside

But I mean the view was totally worth it

I packed a few other things even though it looks as though I only wore two outfits my entire trip due because the coats covered up everything else. 

The boots I wore were fur lined with a good tread you can find similar ones here 

I wore thermals under my clothes everyday. Mine are from Kathmandu you can also get good ones from Uniqlo.

I did also pack one nice top for when we went out although there are no pictures of it. As always had my longchamp backpack to carry my things during the day. 

As I mentioned at the start this is not something I normally post about. I only decided to do so after I got home which is why the photos don’t exactly show off my outfits but I thought it might provide some good information for other travellers heading to sub zero countries. 

17 thoughts on “Winter in Prague 

  1. Thanks for this post! I’m (hopefully) starting my first full time job this coming year and I’m thinking sneaking in some winter travel might be necessary to feed my wanderlust/ avoid busy times of the year at work. This post will be a useful place to start as I figure out winter travel clothing 🙂


    1. I sure do!!
      If you haven’t booked accom I highly recommend Sophie’s Hotel it’s in a great part of the city with easy access to old town and the castle.
      Head to the castle for sunset and Charles bridge for sunrise. Visit the John Lennon wall. The cubic cafe is great for a stop in and to warm up. Black Angels bar has the best views over old town as does old town hall tower which sits just above the astronomical clock. Wander around malastrana and visit the baroque library.
      I’ve actually posted another Prague post and I’ve got one or two more still coming if you want more detail on the above 😊

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